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Healthy, Happy & Safe

Relationships Education – a compulsory curriculum area – is designed to help children grow up healthy, happy and safe, preparing them for their adult lives. Relationships teaching also aims to:

  • Equip children with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their wellbeing, health and relationships
  • Support children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain

Also included within this curriculum area is the opportunity to learn about equality and diversity, using appropriate language. By the time children finish primary school, they will have been taught about family and relationships including:

  • Family and people who care for them
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

As part of the RPHSE curriculum children also learn about:

  • Safety & the Changing Body
  • Economic Wellbeing
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Citizenship


Building Knowledge & Understanding

We teach RPHSE weekly, covering different themes across the term. Children work on all areas throughout the year, building knowledge and understanding, and we revisit termly to consolidate and embed learning.

The school consulted parents on our Relationship Education policy in Spring 2021, and following this, our policy was approved. The consultation agreed that at Preston Hedges, we would teach only the statutory Relationships & Health Education, and not cover the Sex Education elements that are non-statutory. Please see the DfE link for further information regarding statutory and non-statutory curriculum elements here

Please see the  Trust Policy and Curriculum documents below for further clarification:

P5 Relationships Education Policy

Whole school – Long Term Plan RPHSE


Flourish and grow

Our Relationships Education helps children to flourish and grow into healthy, happy and safe young people, prepared for the next stage in their school careers.



Welcome to our outstanding primary school. Founded on the principles of Fun, Creativity and Achievement, ours is a very special school where children are encouraged to thrive socially and academically.


Year on year


Alongside academic achievement, this gives every child at Preston Hedges School the opportunity to fulfil their own unique potential. The result? Children at our school consistently outperform their peers – both regionally and nationally – and many go on to win places at the country’s most prestigious secondary settings.


Happy, Confident Learners

Inspired by the philosophy of Fun, Creativity and Achievement.

Curriculum content is rigorously planned to ensure all children engage in lessons and consolidate their learning with clear intentions.

Throughout the school, each year group’s learning is documented and displayed through celebratory Floor Books where QR codes and final pieces of work demonstrate each topic’s implementation, progressive journey and learning impact.


Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU

Registered Office: Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, NN4 6BU. Registration No. 08282041. England & Wales.