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Friends of Preston Hedges – AGM

Preston Hedges Primary School Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, Northants, United Kingdom

Friends of Preston Hedges AGM Our next AGM will be held on Wednesday 27th September at 7.30pm at the school and all are welcome to join. We will be giving...

FOPH – Dads & Donuts

Preston Hedges Primary School Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, Northants, United Kingdom

The FOPH are organising a Dad's & Donuts sale after school for this Sunday's upcoming Father's day. FOPH are supplying reduced boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts to pre-order and pick...

FOPH – Non Uniform Day – Tombola donations

Preston Hedges Primary School Wootton Hope Drive, Wootton Fields, Northampton, Northants, United Kingdom

The Friends of Preston Hedges are organising a non-uniform day, in return for a tombola donation, in readiness for our Friday Fun day on Friday 5th July. The tombola donations...